A clear overview,
a detailed insight

We know the day-to-day challenges for fashion brands and distributors, so we help them modulate the best business strategy.

Design, control, grow: the SellUp formula for brands.

An integrated ecosystem to bring Marketing, Sales and Logistics together.

A cloud-based solution to help you make the right choices.

The platform for growing business, eliminating waste.

Chasing innovation was yesterday: today there is SellUp, the S.M.A.R.T. Fashion Business Intelligence.

It anticipates and verifies sales data, in real time.

Draw up sales campaign budgets, compare consolidated, create projections to share, and keep them up-to-date.

Then align departments, collect pre-orders, orders, and finally reassignments.
Check trends, take care of distribution, sales, marketing and follow up on logistics.
Take care of sell-in, sell-out and sell-through indications, by sales channel.
Don’t give numbers, let them come to you, in one dashboard.

Plan, report, decide: reliable insights, always.

SellUp puts fashion business intelligence within everyone’s reach. Collecting data from your network, organising it in an intelligible way, giving you insights for in-depth strategic analysis.
Avoid any uncertainty, from operational planning for your business needs, to product development and management, to sales.
Leave nothing to chance.

Brand storytelling, with a verse and a direction.

Diversify content, segment it by channels and customers, make it findable and verify, verify, verify…
Until yesterday, widespread distribution of marketing communication Retail took up valuable time and resources.
Today, the SellUp dashboard solves delays, budgets and data management.
For perfect storytelling, controlled and verifiable.

Optimise the value chain, not just the supply chain.

Like a magnifying glass on the organisation and development of Fashion, SellUp creates value through the integrated management and analysis of logistics, sales, marketing and operations.
The meeting point between research and product development, market knowledge and customer support: innovation for Fashion Business Intelligence starts here.

Does managing your brand with SellUp seem difficult to you?

If you like what you have seen so far and want to experience your future platform for yourself, book a free Demo Session with our Customer Support now.

We will show you the full functionality, simplified data management and the many benefits of SaaS cloud.
Not forgetting the integrations and savings in time, resources and budget.

How can we
help you?

We are always at your disposal, to help you navigate the world of fashion Wholesale Data Management, answer all your questions and support you on your way to SellUp.

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