The omnichannel retail platform to expand your business.

With SellUp you organise and manage your data securely and effectively, leaving you to focus on what you do best: providing value to your customers.

Traccia, analizza e condividi il tuo magazzino.

Know your stock and allocate it correctly.

Connect all your sales channels, and create new ones.

Expand your shop's profit opportunities.

Chasing innovation was yesterday: today there is SellUp,
the S.M.A.R.T.Fashion Business Intelligence.

Know your demand, and optimise your procurement: beyond stock management.

Creating your warehouse and being aware of transactions, availability and demands is the key to any successful retail business.

Being updated in real time allows you to have a clear picture of your needs, present and future.

To seize your next opportunity.

It elevates the warehouse to the nth power.

Stay connected to your target brands, and open your stock availability to peer-to-peer sharing with other retailers.

Multiply your transaction opportunities exponentially on the platform, so you dispose of stock correctly and without losing margin.
Or, increase your availability by dropshipping.

Numbers in hand, zero waste.

Give your customers a unique experience.

From in-store visits to online browsing, telling a consistent brand story is key to creating added value for your customer.

Maximise the effectiveness of your brand communication, stay connected to your target brands: you will find all the up-to-date marketing details on the SellUp platform to make the difference, effortlessly.

Does managing your retail with SellUp seem difficult to you?

If you like what you have seen so far and want to experience your future platform for yourself, book a free Demo Session with our Customer Support now.

We will show you the full functionality, simplified data management and the many benefits of SaaS cloud.
Not forgetting the integrations and savings in time, resources and budget.

How can we
help you?

We are always at your disposal, to help you navigate the world of fashion Wholesale Data Management, answer all your questions and support you on your way to SellUp.

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